Tuesday, February 23, 2010

If Dollar Collapses What Happens To The Yen What Will Happen To The Japanese Yen If The US Dollar Collapses?

What will happen to the Japanese Yen if the US dollar collapses? - if dollar collapses what happens to the yen

What happens to the yen if the dollar collapses? The Fed has lowered interest rates and the devaluation of the dollar. I wonder how this will affect the Japanese yen.

I think the Japanese currency is grossly underestimated, and I think if the dollar collapses, shoot, and the Japanese yen. What do you think?


XReader said...

Umm. I believe China would do more harm if the dollar collapses. The economic relations between the U.S. and China is really confusing. U.S. spending on credit that fuels economic activity in China. China, then to the front to protect their property through the purchase of U.S. credit. The symbiotic relationship is all about. Both U.S. and China can destroy each other if the United States ecnomically not buy from China, or China, not the credit of the United States.

Who will blink first?


coachP said...

Nothing, but we will not be able to buy something from Japan or anything else for that matter.

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