Uncle Baby said...

Stupid question, do you have a heat pump? If so, you have a DIP switch to your new statistics "gas, electricity, heat pump or begin there, but a t-stats needs to use a common thread, which is a common problem, so remidied if you have a cable Unsu his claim from the head of air in that sense. Otherwise, you must obtain a license for it. Also some statistics Does digital will not communicate with the control panel from the device. PS. 4-way valve could be stuck outside. Get an entrepreneur (with the exception of headaches)

Rich B said...

Well, something like this is hard to diagnose without an eye on him. I included a link that will be useful. Good luck.

Red Rooster said...

Look for a change in the thermostatic valve, which changes the placement of the energy or free energy. Cable to the terminals correctly, do the same. Check paper that comes with the thermostat.

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